
Hi, great to meet you here!

My name is Shang Su, currently a Research Assistant Professor in Dr. Xiaohong Li’s lab at the University of Toledo (UT). I will start my own research group as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in the Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences at Louisiana State University (LSU) in August 2024. A new chapter in my life!

This website is designed to post my tech blogs in learning bioinformatics and some research notes.

Please feel free to reach out to me via email: # at #

About Me

I got both my PhD and BS degrees from School of Life Sciences in Tsinghua University, China. After a short dip into industrial job, I realized I am more enthusiastic in basic scientific research. So I came to US and joined Dr. Xiaohong Li’s group as a post-doc. I received a DoD EHDA grant in 2022 and was promoted to Research Assistant Professor in July 2023. I will serve as an Assistant Professor in LSU starting from August, 2024. Currently, I am the PI of two DOD EHDA grants and the Co-I for another DOD EHDA grant (PI: Dr. Xiaohong Li, my postdoc mentor). I am interested in developing new approaches to understand drivers in prostate cancer bone metastases, with emphasis on targeted protein degradation approaches.

In my previous experiences, I worked on cell cycle and Wnt signaling, also on PROTAC-induced CDK6 degradation.

Recent News

(For more details of my updates please check the “News” section)
2024-07 Attending the NCI-funded BIGCARE bioinformatic workshop. 830am to 9pm everyday, intensive and informative!
2024-07 Submitted two DOD EHDA proposals. Finger crossed!
2024-06 Submitted a DOD concept award proposal. Finger crossed!
2024-05 I signed the offer from LSU. Started the onboarding process. Thanks so much to my mentors, collaboraters, and colleagues who spared no efforts in helping me landing in this position. So excited!
2023-11 Attended the AACR workshop! Learned a lot~
2023-11 I gave a talk in Dr. Changmeng Cai’s group at UMass Boston. This is my first invited formal seminar!
2023-08 So happy that I am accepted into the 2023 AACR TRANSLATIONAL CANCER RESEARCH FOR BASIC SCIENTISTS WORKSHOP! I submitted the application for the third time and finally get admitted. This is an innovative workshop for basic scientists pursuing training in order to transition into translational cancer research.
2023-07 I am now a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Cell and Cancer Biology, the University of Toledo. A good start for my upcoming faculty job application. Cheers!
2022-11 I got the Exploration-Hypothesis Development Award from the Department of Defense! The proposals were submited in June and funding notice received in late October!